2025 WHNA Home Tour Sponsorship

Each of the sponsorship levels described below includes the following benefits as well as those unique to each level:

  • Full-color ad featured in the Home Tour Guidebook

  • Logo/name and link on the WHNA website

  • Announcement in WHNA email and social media marketing

Due by April 4:

Choose a sponsorship package below and pay now or download this form and make checks payable to the WHNA and mail to the address below.

Bruce Gould
5301 New Kent Rd
Richmond, VA 23225

Please send your highrez logo and ad (PDFs or JPGs) to bgould53@gmail.com

Platinum Sponsorship
  • Full-page ad on the outside back cover of the guidebook

  • 8 complimentary house tour tickets

Gold Sponsorship
  • Full-page ad in a guaranteed prime inside location*

  • 8 complimentary house tour tickets

* Your choice of placement: inside front cover, inside back cover, opposite map or opposite table of contents

Silver Sponsorship
  • Full page ad

  • 8 complimentary house tour tickets

Bronze Sponsorship
  • Half page ad

  • 4 complimentary house tour tickets

Friend of the Tour Sponsorship
  • Your generosity acknowledged in the guidebook

  • 2 complimentary house tour tickets